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Monday, June 05, 2006

Gourmet Hemp From NYC Global Galaxy Eatery

Gourmet Hemp From NYC Global Galaxy Eatery

Servings: Serves 4

Wild Rice Salad:
4 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 cups wild rice
1 cup corn, frozen
8 asparagus stalks, diced
1 fennel, diced
1 roasted red pepper, diced

Cumin-Hemp Vinaigrette:
4T rice vinegar
1T agave nectar
2T ground cumin
1/2 cup hemp oil
Salt and pepper

Procedure: (serves 4)

1. Cook wild rice in salted water over medium low heat for about 1 hour. Wild rice is properly cooked when the rice grains begin to burst.

2. Separately, place fennel, asparagus and corn in salted water. Cook until tender. Combine with diced fennel and asparagus.

3. Oil and season red pepper. Roast in oven at high heat. Place in bowl and cover with plastic wrap to allow the pepper to steam. After 20 minutes, peel skin away and discard. Dice pepper and mix together with other vegetables.

4. Combine rice vinegar, agave, cumin in a blender. Slowly add hemp oil and allow to emulsify.

5. Mix vinaigrette with rice-vegetable mixture. Serve room temperature.


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